How Do You Set Realistic Goals With Clients?


    How Do You Set Realistic Goals With Clients?

    In the realm of client relations, setting the stage for success hinges on the establishment of clear goals and expectations, as articulated by a Chief Marketing Officer. Alongside expert insights, we've gathered additional answers that delve into the nuances of goal-setting in client projects. From the importance of open, honest conversations to the final touch of prioritizing goals based on client value drivers, here's a spectrum of strategies to ensure aligned ambitions.

    • Open, Honest Conversations Set Expectations
    • Distinguish Goals from Expectations
    • Use Data Analytics for Predictive Goal-Setting
    • Align Goals with Strategic Business Objectives
    • Benchmark Goals Against Industry Standards
    • Adapt Goals with Feedback Loops
    • Prioritize Goals Based on Client Value Drivers

    Open, Honest Conversations Set Expectations

    When starting a new project, I always kick things off with an open and honest conversation. I ask clients what their goals are and dig deeper to understand the 'why' behind them. Then, I share what's achievable within their budget and timeline, breaking down the steps we need to take.

    In one project, I had a client who wanted rapid results, but the market conditions weren't favorable. I explained the process clearly, including possible setbacks, and set smaller, milestone-based goals to keep us on track. By managing expectations upfront and providing regular updates, we kept the project realistic, and the client appreciated the transparency. It's all about being clear, honest, and setting the stage for trust from day one.

    Swena Kalra
    Swena KalraChief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.

    Distinguish Goals from Expectations

    Setting realistic goals and expectations at the beginning of a project is crucial for successful client relations. I start by clearly distinguishing between goals—what we aim to accomplish—and expectations—how the process will unfold. It's important to communicate upfront that things may evolve, and every update, even if it's just to say there's no significant change (it's what I like to call a "no-update update"), is shared promptly. This approach ensures transparency and avoids surprises.

    Additionally, I involve all key stakeholders early on to build consensus, so all are aware of what's achievable and how we plan to get there. Throughout the project, maintaining responsiveness and delivering on your word—truly doing what you say—is key to ensuring continuous alignment and building trust.

    Jill ZwetchkenbaumSenior Manager, Client Relatons, Goulston & Storrs

    Use Data Analytics for Predictive Goal-Setting

    Customer success managers can utilize data analytics for predictive goal-setting by observing patterns and trends in customer interactions. By analyzing historical data and current metrics, they can forecast potential outcomes and establish achievable targets. This method relies on quantifiable evidence, thus taking the guesswork out of the equation.

    Making informed decisions helps in the creation of realistic and attainable goals for clients. Consider reviewing your data and set meaningful objectives for your success.

    Align Goals with Strategic Business Objectives

    To ensure goals are realistic, customer success managers can align them with the client's strategic business objectives. By fully understanding what the client hopes to achieve on a broader scale, managers can tailor smaller, incremental goals that support these larger ambitions. This alignment ensures that each goal directly contributes to the client’s overarching business plans.

    This way, not only are the goals realistic, but they are also relevant and valuable to the client's business growth. Engage with your client's vision and set goals that matter.

    Benchmark Goals Against Industry Standards

    Benchmarking against industry standards is a practical way for customer success managers to set realistic goals with clients. By understanding where their clients stand in relation to their peers, managers can help set goals that push for improvement without being unattainable. This comparative approach provides a clear roadmap for clients to follow and compete effectively within their marketplace.

    It sets a level playing field and ensures clients are striving for excellence as defined by their industry. Look into your industry's benchmarks and set goals that push for excellence.

    Adapt Goals with Feedback Loops

    Implementing feedback loops for adaptive planning allows customer success managers to set and adjust goals in real-time based on client responses. This creates a dynamic and responsive planning process where goals can evolve as the client's needs or circumstances change. It encourages continuous dialogue and ensures that the plans remain relevant and actionable.

    Goals become more personalized to the client’s situation, leading to higher satisfaction and success rates. Start the conversation with your clients and be ready to adapt your goals.

    Prioritize Goals Based on Client Value Drivers

    Customer success managers prioritize goals through the client's value drivers to set realistic and impactful objectives. By understanding what drives value for the client, managers can focus on areas that make the most significant impact on the client’s bottom line or satisfaction. This targeted approach ensures that every goal set is beneficial for the client in a tangible way and enhances their propensity for success.

    By concentrating on what matters most to the client, goals are naturally more achievable and meaningful. Identify what drives your client's value and focus your goals there.